Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Friday 30 November 2012

DGM HQ Rising at to



Rising at 08.01 to a frosty DGM Park. Mr. Stormy was in c. 08.40 with Buddy the Wonder Dog: a valley at  -2 C, reports Mr. Stormy.

Brief kitchen conversation with David: the Vicar, the aim and task of the fourth volume.

Morning reading: editing a SSG IV post, now posted.

10.45 Big excitements! The arrival of stuff. Good stuff. Lotsa good stuff: 5,000 volumes of the first two Vicar Chronicles combined in one volume A large delivery is being carried into DGM SoundWorld One I…






10.57 One of the small chuckling-pleasures in life is auto-translate. No disrespect is here offered to M. Collignon, whose album is on my desk…


The original version of the interview may be found here

Médéric Collignon, jazz prodigy, revisits King Crimson in Paris…
 we met the musician, who was entrusted with the franchise that made her claw.

The meeting 
Médéric Collignon We found 1 December in Paris, in a large coffee instead of Opera…. Carve it hilarious, some suits. But we will not give any names, not to deviate from a subject sufficiently interesting in itself!

- Tell us about this project a tribute to King Crimson by strings, which you present at the New Morning.
What amuses me is to lure people to play with sound, turn a kilo lead a kilo of feathers! ...I want people to have fun on rock, jazz, strings, sound painting ***, where I will bullshit with my face! This is the circus, it will laugh!

- How will this project he was greeted at the origin?
… When Claude Barthélémy, who is a friend and a former director of the National Orchestra of jazz, learned the guitar part of King Crimson was replaced by ropes, he "Pppfff!" Like what, even adults can doubt!

- Have you ever thought about writing lyrics?
- This is the paradox! A few months ago, my manager asked me to sing my own songs, with lyrics in French. We said: "Let’s play the game!" I tried ... This is the shit!

- However, you easily express your rebellion and your rants ...
- Often, the word is a firewall, a foil. It is more difficult to express things in his mouth shut ...If I let myself go in silence, I get a sort of viscous beast, something vicious. I know… Fortunately it’s there, because it is the receiver or the receiver, because it takes full mouth! It annoys me, this world to the con! He does not even know when I will bow to his works… The word "shit" has real meaning. It is closer to all those who had the chance, without admitting it to have been educated, with a lot of cash, and their rotten lives by breaking their dirty fucking certainties two balls.
Médéric Collignon & the Juice Bocse concert   "Tribute to King Crimson" Wednesday, December 7, 2011 at the New Morning, 21H 7 & 9, Rue Small Stables, Paris 10th - Tel. : 01 45 23 51 41

There are many critics and reviewers who, throughout the period of its troubling existence, who would have approved of the guitar part of King Crimson was replaced by ropes.

Rope Craft. Now that’s a concept.

11.25    Yer tiz I…




In the DGM Kitchen, Hugh the Fierce makes a cappuccino in a DGM Authorised Collectible Breakfast Cup I…




… while the artist of The Vicar’s graphic novel, and the designer of The Vicar Chronicles, looks over his work… I






David, the co-author with Punk Sanderson…


The Venal Leader inspects products deserving of extracting the hard-earned pay from the hands of innocents…


A most important call coming up at 11.30.

13.03    A DGM conference call with Declan Panegyric to our London lawyer, a Good Guy, covering the latest legal stages with iTunes and UMG; and the likely effects of UMG selling Sanctuary, although the asking price is far too high and includes Sanctuary’s legal liabilities, which include our own. Our future-course of action is decided. A strategy is in place, in keeping with small, mobile units that aspire to intelligence; have a sense of humour; and a sense of decency outraged by the arrogance of size.

Followed by a DGM / Panegyric conversation re: future plans. There are several significant projects in the pipeline.

13.56 A call from the Minx in Canterbury, tekking and running through for this evening’s first performance of Sleeping Beauty.

17.07 A Facebook exchange…

Hello Mr. Fripp,
I am a long time fan and have a radio show. I have interviewed Larry Fast, Bill Bruford, Tony Levin, etc. and would enjoy interviewing you on your music and long career. May I have the privilege of interviewing you for Radio FM radio/webcast/podcast?

interviews are no longer part of my job description!

Thanks for considering it. Can we be FB friends? I think your career has been stellar and I’ve interviewed your band mates. I was hoping to hear you side of the story...

Better to believe the worst that anyone says of me, then my life gets easier!

Let me know if you ever want to tell the old tales or make up new ones! Be well.

We’d love to get your perspective on the life and times of King Crimson! Would you consider a 30 minute interview for "The Musicians That Matter," on Radio FM radio/web/podcast. Your co-conspirators Bill Bruford, Tony Levin and John Wetton already have. I’ll buy you dinner when you visit the US next... :-)

Check out this great interview with Tony Levin on his life’s music. Enjoy his open candor from The Musicians That Matter on Radio FM….

Robert, I answered your comment on interview advantages for you. Your fans might be more apt to purchase you music and such if you can share some stories... I would be thrilled and privileged to do a short 30 minute phoner for radio/web/podcast... Thank you for your consideration!

if you removed the commercial imperative, what would remain?
and what is the nature of your personal thrill, please?

Robert, I would be pleased to speak with you for 30 minutes or so about your life, passions and music. It would be a thrill for me and our listeners. I have no financial or commercial interest. You are talented, driven and eclectic. Myself and all of your fans would benefit from the enjoyment of the experience. In other words, it would be cool.

If you were to ask me one question, a burning question, what would it be?

The one question would be:
Would you please do an interview tour of Robert Fripp and his music?


Ok then. Why so private and rejecting of public interest and support for your music and livelihood? Doesn’t the public deserve some info to feed their interest for feeding you? Fair trade? Just asking...

(And that’s three questions, none of them burning very much as they are already answered, and have been answered several times. Long-term readers of this Diary, even more recent visitors, will already be familiar with the overall argument: Give us what we want because we give you our hard-earned pay! Perhaps, also some of my responses to this manipulative and deceitful approach).

then perhaps good to post this on the DGM Diary?

You can if you would like to. Greg Lake, Tony Levin, John Wetton and Bill Bruford agreed to spend a few moments in interview; grateful and appreciative of being a "Musician That Matters." I appreciate the discussion and would hope that you might have the attitude of gratitude, but of course, you don’t owe me (a volunteer) or our noncommercial university radio station (nonprofit) or our listeners (freewill) anything. I would think that maybe you would feel closer to your fans, though, after a lifelong career making and selling music...

i am clearly heartless, raging and venal.

17.15 And if I would not like to, can I not?

A few moments in interview…

1.    Between 1969-2003, I spent more time in interviews than playing music in public;
2.       DGM is, in spirit, non-commercial.
3.    The ways in which I undertake to express gratitude for my good fortune in life, and the wretchedness that has accompanied that good fortune, don’t attract themselves to being listed here.
More comments are possible on the assumptions expressed above. But the implication of the arguments – if you don’t do what I want, you’re a bad person! - do not draw me to an interview with Mr. Long Time Fan of Radio FM.

If you were to ask me one question, a burning question, what would it be?

This is both an opportunity for an enquirer; and a way for me to discover the quality and intensity of a question. If I were in front of a person who, more than anyone else I knew, was in a position to give me an answer to my own burning question, it would not be:
Would you like to talk about your life and work – in 30 minutes in public. On the conflagration scale of burning questions, this is somewhere down with rubbing pieces of paper together very quickly, under running water, and hoping to see smoke rise.

17.25 Hugh is in DGM ArtWorld One, working away on the photo archive for 1970.

Mr. Stormy has been in DGM SoundWorld Two with KC in West Palm Beach, 1973; with Dion, solo.

Kitchen meeting with David: addressing a Sony contract from 2002, which has me paying royalties to Sony on a licence for them using the Frippertronics from Requiem (Beat 1982)...


In the Chamber Of Venality, Journals from 1980-85…


Here, the original hand-written Twenty One Propositions used on the cover of Let The Power Fall …
Let The Power Fall
i)    One can work within any structure.
ii)    Once one can work within any structure, some structures are more efficient than others.
iii)    There is no one structure which is universally appropriate.
iv)    Commitment to an aim within an inappropriate structure will give rise to the creation of an appropriate structure.
v)    Apathy, ie passive commitment, within an appropriate structure will effect its collapse.
vi)    Dogmatic attachment to the supposed merits of a particular structure hinders the search for an appropriate structure.
vii)    There will be difficulty defining the appropriate structure because it will always be mobile, ie in process.
i)    There should be no difficulty in defining aim.
ii)     The appropriate structure will recognise structures outside itself.
iii)    The appropriate structure can work within any large structure
iv)     Once the appropriate structure can work within any large structure, some larger structures are more efficient than others.
v)     There is no larger structure which is universally appropriate.
vi)     Commitment to an aim by an appropriate structure within a larger, inappropriate structure Will give rise to a large, appropriate structure.
vii)     The quantitative structure is affected by qualitative action.
i)     Qualitative action is not bound by number.
ii)     Any small unit committed to qualitative action can affect radical change on a scale outside its quantitative measure.
iii)    Quantitative action works by violence and breeds reaction.
iv)     Qualitative action works by example and invites reciprocation.
v)     Reciprocation between independent structures is a framework of interacting units which is itself a structure.
vi)    Any appropriate structure of interacting units can work within     any other structure of interacting units.
vii)     Once this is so, some structures of interacting units are more efficient than others.

Spring, 1980
World HQ, Wimborne, Dorset.









19.38 vii) Once this is so, some structures of interacting units are more efficient than others.

Posted on Facebook with regret…
Bennett Books have published electronic versions of four JG Bennett titles, even though Bennett Books have no digital rights to the material. This is a serious matter.

19.42 Following the last performance of the 1981-84 Crimson, in Montreal on July 11th. 1984. Ade and myself were in the hotel bar along with the other Crims, humourising with alliteration I…




19.45 The last palette of Vicar Books has been brought in.

Trying to leave for home.

22.27 Mr. Romain was not at The Emporium Of Ageing Wonders in Wilton as I passed, some two hours later than usual.

Onwards to Bredonborough. Home. Hooray!


